
FL is where you have the terrible combo of old retirees and young people growing up in a place catering to old retirees and little else (“why should I fund schools? I don’t have kids anymore!” is common there) beyond tourism concerns (my hometown hosted Girls Gone Wild spring break movies for years). Also the south is

Were there ever any secret nuclear tests in Florida? That’s the only explanation i can come up with.

He is from Florida, the land of the the crazy people. But besides that, I think federal jail is where he should stay. He tried to do a dangerous act onboard with 210 people....either he is really insane or evil or both.

I assume it’s something more along the lines of “CEO’s have an important role in an organization, but are not worth 200x the average employees salary”.

We don’t need an ideal world, just a better one than what we have now. I imagine part of that involves restricting the pay of smarmy, gladhanding assholes who provide, what? Leadership, I guess.

How can someone have THAT money and THOSE teeth?

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

1 anectode > scientific study with more than 2,000 subjects

Why are you people not giving this administration a proper chance to do good things for our country! I’m honestly sick to death of these pathetic attempts to undermine this legally elected president. The dems and their media have proven to be nothing more than pompous, arrogant, selfish, crybabies who cannot handle

Journalism, for the most part, died long ago. True journalism requires the interviewing people, researching facts, and presenting of information in such a way that people can actually form their own opinion.

I’m not a smart person. But I believe once we all remove ourselves from the left & right paradigm of politics, the framed arguments of all the top media\entertainment outlets like MSNBC\FOX NEWS\CNN etc... we would unite for the most part because the majority of us I believe, know what is right and what is wrong.

Will Gizmodo uphold it’s Editorial Code? Because some of your writers have a tendency to not be honest when reporting. I am only asking because the code itself says: Gizmodo Media Group’s web properties practice honest, conversational journalism about stories. This was posted by you.


Not a trump or Hilary fan, but I used to read the Gizmodo Websites for tech news or new gadget/car news and hacks. Now it looks like they have just resorted to shameless anti-trump website promotions. If I wanted politics I’d read the mainstream news, I certainly here for tech news not to be asked to participate in

At what point do you cross the line from disagreeing with or even hating Trump to actively trying to sabotage the government? Trump the man may be bad news, but he’s the President now. Shouldn’t we rely on the checks and balances built into our system rather than trying to “sink the ship” altogether? Disregarding the

GIzmodo, my dude, give it up. This shit is what it is. Lot’s of people in this thread are right, it is getting harder and harder to look at Giz a tech site. Trump slamming is getting to be a bit much, he is a dick, but so are many world leaders. We all have to live with it.

You should start a TellOnHillary site too. We all know she’s gonna run again in 2020.

Glad to see “journalism” awake from its eight year slumber.

Something something about snowflakes and liberal media bias and this is a tech blog etc, where are the gadgets, etc

Well, you guys have officially tipped your hat. No more journalism here, just pure politics. I’ll get my gadget news elsewhere.