
Hi. I’m probably an “old” (48). I think the dumbest of us are just harder to keep down on the proverbial farm. While one used to have to work to get their “beliefs” out there (whether it was letters to the editor, or leafletting, or stumping for Lyndon LaRouche) now any asshole with a keyboard can spray their thoughts

Except ... safe spaces kinda do exist in the “real” world — in the form of the anti-harassment policies in the workplace. Mine, for example, trains us once a year on how we’re not allowed to discuss race, sex, politics, etc. and gives us tons of examples of “things you probably wouldn’t think twice about saying, but

Maybe to you, but I think that when most people hear the term child bride, they think of girls, 13 and under, usually in societies and cultures cut off from the rest of the world, whose parents have forced her into marriage, often for their own financial gain.

Girl’s who have no say in the marriage, girls who are

Kind of like how REAL holy water can be made by REAL holy people, you guys. Just because you think religion is a joke doesn’t mean that faith is ridiculous.

See, I watched the ID channel’s play-by-play using all original footage—aired last Saturday night—of the whoooole shebang, and I walked away thinking, “holy hell—he really did it and got away with it!”