
They doooo! The sweetest thing that I can recall in my recent memory was when I had been bed-ridden with pneumonia and my wee darling Tacocat was only about 4 months old. From the moment I became ill, she was VERY hesitant to leave the bed and would only do so to use the bathroom. I had to bring her food dish into my

Imagining Lady Wendellwick-Neweholm receiving the company of Marchioness Twisslefonce-Upon-Ribble with the complement “Your menstrual pads look absolutely fetching tonight, Enid!”

Okayyyy...this interests me! Thank you! THIS is exactly the kind of info needed for us to begin to buid our offline news sharing, cross-country vehicle! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! This is going at the top of my list for logistics. Thank you so much!

I mean he fits the description!

We need to begin the formation of independent, local progressive news rags so we have even the most rudimentary of independent, progressive news sources in case things go full 4th Reich. I mean, even if we all just, locally, write about what we see/hear/read we’ll have some sort of collection of independently written

Ugh I feel you I’m on the one that I only get 4 periods a year and while they are still painful, 4 is so much better than 12.

Being a grown up is about making decisions. I decided I wanted to focus a little less on food and more on the things/people I love and less on food based minutiae. Something that works for me doesn’t have to be a cookie cutter solution for you.

Holy shit... I didn’t think dietary xenophobia was a thing but after reading some of those comments, I guess human wretchedness will always find novel ways to amaze me. I mean why the hell do you care about what other people eat? Do people that are okay with that stuff offend your sensibilities so much that throwing

There are honestly some times where I just don’t feel like eating, but I can tell that my body needs the energy and nutrients so I have to eat. This works for those situations. Doesn’t fit the model of the average person, but it works for many.

People get really angry when I tell them I drink Soylent. I think its because most people have a religious like attachment to food.

Soylent drink user here. I personally love this stuff. My work has no healthy options close by, so I was eating ramen and other stuff bad for me, snacking way too much, and just making generally unhealthy choices for convenience. This has helped me cut way down on caloric intake, want smaller portions when I eat

It’s basically for single men and women who have a shitload of student debt and no time to shop and make their own food. Costs me next to nothing so I can put more towards my student loans and takes no time to make. Tastes pretty bad though.

Jill Stein is not the solution to your issues with Clinton. Get involved with local politics.

I think they’re referring to the adjuvants in the 3-year vaccines. Indeed they caused rare cases of a very nasty cancer forcing amputation of limbs (assuming it wasn’t in a decade where the back of the neck was used). The adjuvant-free rabies must be given every year by law which is obscene considering how long it

Not the OP, but I felt something similar. It’s not that I think she shouldn’t be prosecuted, she definitely should, but I have the, possibly ugly, feeling that cases like this -- where a minority offender is wheeled out to face justice -- are just a Judas Goat. As if the PTB are loading up their least valued members

I don’t think the point LovePrayFear was trying to make was that white women should have the impunity that white men do. I think it was an observation that the blue wall of silence doesn’t seem to stand as strongly for women and non-white officers, which is likely true. That doesn’t absolve this officer or Liang of

It’s not idiocy. It ddoes seem like cops who are POC and/or women are more likely to be brought to justice. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t. At all. But white male cops who unjustly shoot citizens shouldn’t get a free pass.

Trump camp would have never agreed to Maddow and honestly she isn’t unbiased enough, IMO.

I know what you’re saying, but somehow I like him anyway. He’s never going to be a “great” journalist., I know. Perhaps he’ll surprise us at the debate.

The dream of the 90s is alive in the Rachel Maddow show.