I loved Dee's horrible attempt at a Philly accent on the phone.
I loved Dee's horrible attempt at a Philly accent on the phone.
In the scene at the end in the brig, Dee yells at Mac, calling him "Ron." It's the first time I've heard any of them call him by his first name since they revealed it in the Class Reunion episode. I could be wrong, though. I may have misheard it and Kaitlin Olson may have slipped up and yelled out Rob, which would…
In the first season of the original series, the others referred to him as a buzzard.
I wish she would just stay dead. They've turned one of my favorite companions into a stakes-ruining annoyance. This episode was a massive disappointment, especially following last weeks wonderful episode.
I just hope she stays dead, this time.
Yeah, that confused me when they kept calling that character she. I was certain that 474 was a man, too. I wonder if they were originally going to refer to them as it, but thought it might be misconstrued.
It was really annoying when characters would talk directly into the camera.