
This whole debate is farcical, ridiculous, and over-simplifies (as every statistical survey does) a complex and nuanced subject. 99% of collisions are caused by human error, almost every accident could be avoided by taking the driver out of the picture. In every scenario given an autonomous vehicle would not have put

Well, that is the thing with market-based wealth net worth can be what you think it’s worth but doesn’t mean anything until you get the money. If you have done any stock investing you would know exactly what I mean. Real estate is essentially the same thing but somewhat less volatile, but in a major economic downturn,

Ahh. I see, so he had more than 4.5 billion when he was born then?

After a quick look at you post history it becomes apparent that you are mentally challenged and are not worth my time.

You don’t always get a bite when you cast your bait, that’s why it’s calling fishing and not catching. You get the trolling nod of approval.

Very true, most of the upturn in housing has happened very recently in most places a lot of it has to do with low-interest rates and easier credit approval.

Socialists in political power are historically never poor.

Are you calling Trump a fascist? Or are you confused by the fact that Nigel Farage has endorsed Trump, not the other way around?

what does that even mean?

Why? The value of property is the value of the property, no matter where it is located.

Nice man do you have a clip of Trump calling for that, or are you just talking out of your ass, because you know if he actually said anything remotely like that it would be published everywhere? Why is it that none of you leftist never question this? If Trump had ever said anything like what you guys keep claiming it

Wait, what, are you calling American voters ignorant? You still have a fucking monarchy, a leader chosen by god, even the fucking soviets are more politically progressive than you twats.

So if you have a nice house and a decent job you can’t be a man of the people? That isn’t even that much money unless you have none, then it might seem like a lot. Clinton is worth 110 million and had a family income of 28 million last year. Trump is worth about $4.5 billion, which isn’t too bad for a supposedly bad

That is the same for every political candidate, but for people like Trump and Clinton to do well, the US economy has to do well so you at least have that.

Yeah designing second rate hardware with the help of far smarter people doesn’t make you a political genius, but if the left actually took the time to learn about politics instead of idealism then there would be less entertainment.

Holy fuck, someone with the education and intelligence to see past the left wing conspiracy garbage, way to go!

You spent, four minutes on that reply? Yes she does encourage all that, Feminists attack males, minorities against whites, Russians and Jews are bad, lack of evidence is not proof of innocence, I think you meant stealing, but BLM riots involved a lot of looting, and she certainly supports cronyism, thin and fit

Ahh, here is the true face of the Clinton’s, no brains, no argument, just violence.

Having a different opinion does not make someone a troll. Seriously, if this is the sort of shit you worry about you must live in mommy’s basement. It is a gaming site that is posting political shit because the Gawker News group are a bunch of liberal panty-waists with a very clear Marxist agenda. And why is it not

Your fist link clearly states that Trump wants to remove illegal immigrants, pretty much the same as any other country in the world, the question is whether some actual legal immigrants might get accidently caught up in that.