
one thing I don’t think you are getting about 95% of those that voted for Trump- they don’t want him to do the shit he said. Most know the wall is a dumb idea, that Hillary should not be imprisoned, etc. etc.

There are also a myriad of ways a person can never pay income taxes. Working under the table. Pre-claiming deductions on your W-2. Etc. It doesn’t really matter because those numbers are basically a wash when you take all the cost of emergency medical services for undocumented immigrants.

... OK democrat here, and there are problems that make this all not as rosy as you think.

From your tax standpoint alone. Why would a illegal immigrant want to pay taxes in any way shape or form? you can live off cash alone, and will not be audited if allowed to stay without issue at all. So for that example tax rate

Because it isn’t hard to get “government assistance” even if it isn’t formal welfare. Send your kids to a school and they are likely getting lunch vouchers and what not. Skip out on a hospital bill, that ends up on the government’s dime. There are myriad ways that undocumented folks can benefit from the US taxpayer,

I did not need to explain anything to my child. He is 13 but understands civics. The rules are the rules and the person who wins is the one who wins by the rules that exist at the time.

My kids knew about the election, but there was no outburst like that. Don’t live vicariously through your kid.

The only way your kid knows he’s terrrible is you telling, projecting, or complaining to the kid. Unless you birthed a child prodigy, your kid only knows the details of the election through you.