
Why isn’t the NRA and gun industry promoting this type of thinking? The NRA was originally founded to teach proper use of fire arms and safety. The NRA needs to be the leader in fire arm safety. Instead they spend $(insert huge number) to prevent conversation. The NRA could sell “Thoughts and Prayers” cards to finance

If you can’t separate out the good and justified unions from the shitty ones, you’re too far up your own ass on this issue to think rationally. Do you believe in fully supporting police unions? Because based on your logic, they should be protected as strongly as (for example) trade and service employee unions.

Yeah, the emphasis, in my opinion, should trying to do what we can as a society to give those who are at the bottom as much opportunity to succeed as possible. If that includes raising the top marginal rates in order to provide a strong and efficient national healthcare system that takes some of the stress off the

That’s part of the problem. I had a conversation with a friend who called me rich. I was dumbfounded. I fully admit we are comfortable. We as a household make ~300k a year. I would never consider myself rich, but I’m lumped in with the people who make $50 million a year. Even though we make three times what my friend

I applaud your attempts to drive some nuance here. Trust me, I’ve tried. But hey my wife and I make $150k a year…no matter how much we’re struggling to keep paying student loans and afford child care, and how much we continue to agree with the sentiments of the working class and continually vote in favor of improved

Here’s the missing piece for implementing this in the US: Germany has a robust national network of trade schools that back up the trade unions. They have a very long history dating back to the medieval guilds. This has effortlessly maintained something often lacking in the American system: pride in craft that is

But of course. All culinary roads lead to Flushing.

Maybe the terminology in the US is different from Brazil, where I live, but “Service Animals”, and “emotional support animals” are different. So I think we’re not really disagreeing, I just have not make a clear distinction in my original post, so my fault: I fully support the presence of “Service Animals”, because

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

This is not in any way relevant to anything but my god is she stunningly beautiful.

But this article makes no sense. What is it that you are making illegal? Nobody is requiring cities to do anything - they are making offers of their own accord. Is this what you would make illegal? For cities and states to administer their own local policy?

I don’t agree completely with that person, but 20,000 professional jobs is a valid counter-argument. Write off the people who don’t agree with you at your own risk, show some respect.

Excellent counter-point! Your ridiculous take is ridiculous, you’re called out on it, and you immediately go ad hominem. Typical.

Eh, I fucking hate the whole “triggering” thing, because it encourages people to act in the manner of fucking five-year-olds. And, yes, that’s exactly who gets excited at the prospect of bothering someone: a five-year-old.

I dont think we should be leaving supplies for people trying to come into the country illegally.

I just said, “black lives matter” to my Google Home Mini.

Agreed, but having lived in Saudi Arabia for two years I have zero fucks to give about a place where you literally had to sneak to go to church as a Christian. You can talk a lot of shit about America, but we’re light years ahead of the House of Saud in that respect.

I own multiple guns, including several ARs. I support background checks and closing the gun show loophole. That right there I feel would slow a lot of the criminals from getting guns. Will they still steal guns? Of course, but here’s a novel idea....lock your guns up. Get a gun safe. Are you going to carry your gun?

The only problem I find is the mild to medium annoyance of misdirected conversation-being one of 4 people who lifts their head in a room when you're name is called, getting misdirected e-mails for people with your same name, or a friend/work group with two of you coming up with clever nicknames to tell you guys apart.