
Hint: It wasn’t just Bush either.

I don’t know that that is true. Productivity and income are not a fixed sum amount.

the ability to keep a kid on the family’s healthcare

I don’t disagree with your comment in general but this kind of statement is what causes Trump supporters to dig in deeper, just as it would for any other candidate.

I appreciate your response. Not sure If I agree but it gives me something to think about.

Is it really sexist to make an assumption that someone is male when 75-80% of those employed in a field are male?

He writes with the haunted air of a man who has deadlines, but no ideas. He is living proof that it is possible to sustain a writing career for year after year without ever saying anything of import

I can’t take you seriously because you don’t even know what website you’re on.

AH, you can have Dayton.

Nope just sore. Next time use the door.

Your buddy is talking smack. Harrison did a fair amount of session work.

Did I miss something in the article? I swear I just read that one of the idiots got 13 years and the other idiot 6 years of prison.

I don’t have the numbers but I suspect the effective tax rate looks nothing like that. Until we have a simplified tax code I have no idea if anybody is paying their share of the taxes. In my case I get a tax reduction for having kids. Why in the world should I be rewarded for having children?

Oh, I know that came off as dickish. Sorry. I would agree with what you said. Your statement just seemed rather peculiar as seeing someone is the first sense most of us use.

i am blind, i have decided I don’t want my kids to notice whether it is night or day. later when they get older i will teach them about the sun.

I can appreciate what you are saying. And I think you are saying you are accepting of municipalities limits. So I guess we are in agreement. However having a plane in my neighbors driveway wouldn’t help me sell my house.

My point was to be more general than just this specific situation. I am not necessarily saying the plane looks trashy, but who gets to decide what is or isn’t trashy. Maybe I think my sons welding project is a work or of art, but you might not think so when that 15' middle finger is positioned so it is in the way of

You nailed it. IF i’m selling my house and IF my realtor says, “that plane next door isn’t going to help us move this house”, I’d talk to my neighbor. Otherwise, who the fuck cares.

But would support my right to have the inflatable reindeer and 10,000 lights, even if I choose to have them year round?

Double taxation is a taxation principle referring to income taxes paid twice on the same source of earned income.