Rocky Rocky

I also love how realistically pretty she is - she looks like an actual grown attractive woman with curves. Maybe in some parallel universe there'd be more employed actresses like that…someday :-(

Also because the Native Americans are also migrants to the continent (they just arrived much earlier from Asia)

"Just once I would like to see a woman on TV have an abortion and not have a goddamn meltdown over it."

But not very effective. He's gifted on comedy, but utterly wooden in drama.

Sorry, 7 main characters. And that's a network show!!

Jane the Virgin has only 1 white guy out of 6 core characters

"from her interviews, Lizzy doesnt seem that much different from her portrayal of Virginia."

Honestly I've never encountered that response. I've only seen the comments about how incredibly UNsexy he is compared to Caplan and that he should keep his clothes on at all times. Personally for me, his neck hair just kills even the tiniest, slimmest chance of attractiveness cause even the clothes don't cover that.

I think it's the Mad Men syndrome in action: look at us, we're SO much more enlightened than those Neanderthals back then. Never mind that Americans still apply the same racism today, just to another ethnic group that occupies the same position of servitude (Hispanics).

"I think the people who have a problem getting behind Bill as a character in that sense maybe are thrown off-guard by the fact that he doesn't really fit the "power fantasy anti-hero" archetype. Because this is a prestige drama, people are expecting that, and for Bill to both display inner brokenness and at the same…

Some hair removal wouldn't hurt him too. The chest hair that crawls up onto his neck is just distracting as well as repulsive.

"gender difference online tends to have a way of permitting "I don't like your work" to turn into "Fucking die, bitch.""

The free, manual option is just plugging your laptop into the TV

Since when do the better shows get the most viewers? Any sign of intelligence in a show tends to drive the masses away.

But the problem is that English was never truly standardized in the manner of other European languages, which is why the spelling is so ridiculously messy. Even today we have different English-speaking countries spelling differently. Most notable is the case of colour/color and similar words.

But was this just pure racism or also class thing? Or both? Would she have done this to poor white help, i wonder?

Except that THEY didn't decide. It was a command that Bill issued.

I'd pay anyone to best the Hamm - the man is so overrated, it's not funny

"(and I'm commenting on it 10 months late, so no one will read this) is that at this point"

Jlaw's not talented