Rocky Rocky

But those arms look timeless! I mean, who needs sleeves, right?

Shorts are informal, particularly ones that short. It's weird that she keeps wearing them at work with formal jackets!

Frankly, I gave up on broadcast TV once House ended. JtV actually feels like a cable show -

Particularly in her situation because she has no fear of pregnancy. Such a waste of a unique period of a woman's life with no need for contraceptives!

Michael is an interesting person. Rafael never feels real.

Same here. Justin has the photogenic face, adorable smile, and steroidy-looking abs…but he just doesn't have IT. I find Michael much cuter and he reminds me of Rowan Atkinson in his expressions.

He really overdoes the arms - they just don't look healthy

I'm tempted to put that on sexual frustration on Jane's part. It is damn hard to be celibate at Jane's age. It would be normal to experience a feeling of bitterness when it seems like the entire world is having sex all around you while it's not an option for you.

My main problem with the Jane-Raf chemistry is that he comes off as her gay best friend. For some reason the costume team always dresses him stereo-typically gay as well.

Maybe he wanted to have sex with a straight woman? Perhaps there's only so much heterosexual passion a lesbian can fake.

I'm very iffy on Justin's acting in general - it is the only weak link in the show. But every time I write him off, he surprises me! The relief moment when the baby kicked was one of those moments.

It also helps that the actor that plays Michael is so much better than the one playing Rafael. 'Michael' is just so utterly real, whereas with Raf it's always an actor playing a character.

I think there's just a type pf personality that just doesn't get heartfelt quirk as a style. This show has the same tone as Amelie and I'm so impressed by that because it is damn hard to pull off.

Only the low self-esteem ones. The sane ones dump and run.

Only the low self-esteem ones. The sane ones dump and run.

I'm a bit baffled with how good she suddenly got this season because she was so blank in S1 and Firefly that I just wrote her off as a hack.

I'm a bit baffled with how good she suddenly got this season because she was so blank in S1 and Firefly that I just wrote her off as a hack.

Why would someone as mature as Dana do that? It's perfectly in character that she would think that her parents getting it on in the kitchen of all places is a sign of her dad recovering some normality and wouldn't wanna traumatize him by laughing at it.

Why would someone as mature as Dana do that? It's perfectly in character that she would think that her parents getting it on in the kitchen of all places is a sign of her dad recovering some normality and wouldn't wanna traumatize him by laughing at it.

I think he was struggling with himself very Walter White-style. He kept denying to himself that he wanted the guy dead until he just snapped. Had he done it the cold-blooded way and just let him bleed out - it would be out of character. He's not far gone enough to be that rational about inflicting death.