Rocky Rocky

I think he was struggling with himself very Walter White-style. He kept denying to himself that he wanted the guy dead until he just snapped. Had he done it the cold-blooded way and just let him bleed out - it would be out of character. He's not far gone enough to be that rational about inflicting death.

Not so much hooker as teenager. It looks kinda perverse on an adult. Had she worn that dress/top with leggings or stockings, it might've looked OK

Not so much hooker as teenager. It looks kinda perverse on an adult. Had she worn that dress/top with leggings or stockings, it might've looked OK

That's why I've given up on movies unless an actor/actress I love can pull me in (very rarely)

Yes, and dogs love people far more than people love other people

It was compared to the spectacular DANISH The Killing

True Detective WAS excruciatingly boring

What could that ancestor have been but an ape if all our closest relatives are apes?

Kate Walsh is a scream here!

I hated True Detective with bind rage and didn't even make it through ep 2. It was misogynistic pseudo-philosophical drivel with cold repulsive characters. I can't even put it in the same sentence as this masterpiece.

Oh, I'm that perpetual AV Club late poster that prods people 2-4 years after their comment because the discussions are so much fun and so analytical!

I see Gus encountering Malvo again as karmic coincidence - fate in other words.

I always find it odd that wolves are portrayed as these vicious, wild beasts in fiction. Does everyone suffer from collective amnesia that these same animals developed into out super-lovable, tail-wagging, furry best friends called dogs? Even a wild wolf responds to domestication pretty well if reared from a pup by a

And he pulled a Maslany in those alter egos - he let just a tiny bit of Malvo sip in through the cracks with those weird smiles

He could've set it up as self-defense by putting a gun in Malvo's hand or near him, no?

I just assumed they would've put it on self-defence

I'm actually really chuffed at this recent cable trend of portraying caring, mature teenagers. No fictional cliche ever annoyed me more than the bratty teen.

Yeah, they just seem like too much of a comedy duo to it into the reality of that universe

It could also be the 'name actor' thing. It could be that Allison is too unknown to go in Lead by industry logic.

Except that Walt's goal was false - he always did it for the high of power and to restore pride in his talent. He lied to himself bout it being about money for his family because they couldn't use it without laundering anyhow, and that would've made them accomplices.