Rocky Rocky

Well, Paul did seem like a sociopath. It seems lie the only crazy stuff in the NY is all from Paul.


I thought that the 'sound only' action scene was a budgetary decision, honestly. Cable shows are generally on modest budgets and a massive action scene like this is incredibly expensive to choreograph and work over digitally.

His Grey Matter buddies offered to pay for his treatment and he turned it down. Walt had no excuse either.

As to doggy style, have you not seen Love Actually?

I think the key words here are that Bob's a comedic actor, NOT a comedian. He actually creates a character and then finds the comedy within the character's reality. Whereas comedians just deliver punchlines.

About 60% of Ukrainians spoke Russian as a first language before the war. Without Crimea, that % drops, but it's still very high and all Ukrainians are bilingual partly because Russian is a very useful language in Eastern Europe and partly because it's a Soviet relic.

It's more likely to be Mossad these days ;-)

I used to be a Regina fan years ago and was thrilled when I recognised her voice.

You've just given this show a huge feminist compliment: for once a cable style show doesn't assume its entire audience consists of straight males only!

The song in Veronica Mars' is fantastic.

They were lucky to stumble on a really great song IMO - that music would still have worked with 30 secs of blank screen.

Rectify's is phenomenal. The Tudors' one was so good that it could almost be its own short film.

Some extended credit sequences do work when they are actively setting the mood: The 2 I can think is the intro of Six Feet Under (utterly interminable but brilliant) and in Rectify ( which works partly because they constantly change it by introducing new photos).

IRL Saudi princes have quite a party reputation outside of the country's borders (including gay fun), so this is quite accurate. They seem to leave all their devotion at home. It's deeply ironic that this is the same country that believes in still living in the 7th century and tries to pull the entire world back into

Knowing Kutcher, he'd disassemble the vest and sell the parts on e-bay,,,

You have got to be kidding me… I have yet to see Julianna emote ONCE!


It makes sense in the light of the victim narrative Islam is so good at.

The Guatemalan guy goes against the stereotype already.