Rocky Rocky

…for an encouraging threesome

Do those distinctions even exist anymore? I honestly can't think of a single classically handsome lead on TV ATM other than Aden Young on Rectify. Being plain seems to be a good thing for men in Hollywood these days.

"Every time I'm reminded of The Killing I clench my fist and growl."

2 birds with 1 stone in regards to the Walker beating - this way they also tested whether Brody had it in him to a) turn against his side, and b) do the dirty work

Or she could say something cutesy like: "Oh, you seem like the *brand* type! You see, I have this quirk of matching people's personality types to tea brands…Done it since I was a kid!"

Prison Break's another 1st season winner

Am I the only one that thinks the kid (Koch) has potential? He at least has presence and energy that Mike Vogel could only dream of, and doesn't deliver his lines with a sense of terminal boredom like almost everyone else here. He was actually good in his early psycho parts.

I assume you mean the American The Killing, because the Danish original is outstanding for the 1st 2 seasons.


Norris HOT??? Maybe I need a new eye test…

Vogel's hopelessly bland here but he was really good in Bates Motel.

It looks suspiciously like a wig

Britt's a good actress through. Her and Dean are both too good for this show.

I feel truly stunned that someone knows the proper name for those dolls for once. I'm so bloody used to everyone calling them babushkas….

Junior's pretty darn hot as well

Isn't he a little 'ethnic' for Tiger Beat? I, for one, sure appreciate the dreaminess!

Unless he had a very ethnic and VERY tall mother…

"The actor playing Kasper definitely reminds me of Josh Jackson"

In Australia, SBS uses large yellow subtitles - they are my favourite kind.

"I recognize at least three people from Forbrydelsen I/II."