Rocky Rocky

I watch Orphan Black a similar way I watched the X-Files - by just not caring about the conspiracy at all. Except that with the X-files I skipped past all of the mythology eps, and with OB: if I get the twist - than that's cool, if not - I won't beat my head against the wall.

On the show he's bland, IRL he's obnoxious. No real loss to the show.

Babka is an exceptionally inoffensive 'ethnic' desert. It's pretty much the Ukrainian version of plain muffins.

OMG YES!!!! I could not for the life of me figure out where I saw her before!

At least get your affairs in order before threatening behbees.

Well, to be fair, Iceland IS pretty darn tiny. Foreigners can be forgiven for thinking there aren't that many successful musical acts there.

I've always thought Scott is ridiculously cute by TV nerd standards

Rectify sometimes gets as low as 140 comments and, trust me, it's the best place to discuss it.

I'm actually impressed with the linguistic accuracy of Helena's English mistakes because articles don't exist in Ukrainian. My Ukrainian speaking Mum still can't get the hang of them after 15 years in an English-speaking country!

If there was nothing else in the 5 km vicinity to trigger his insecurity

Or Edwardian - hence the inexplicable Emmy love for Downton Abbey. I guess it's hard for me to understand because I live in a country where it's in exact reverse - we prefer to watch just about anything from anywhere above our local productions. It's insularity in exact reverse.

Maria Doyle Kennedy is capable of making anything look grounded, no matter how OTT

Nice trick, but dark did not apply to Paul's death at all. Most viewers must've been gleeful

Helena would also have a very swift and efficient way of dealing with political rivals…Although that garage might be too small.

Bizarre…Although that would explain American remakes of even English language shows.

And they both have Russian first names. The diminutives for them are Tanya and the unpronounceable Ksyusha. Helena would be Lena for short.

Yeah, the psychos often are…

Which proves that the show isn't just a feminist bomb, but an overall social progress bomb.

And only handsome from the neck down. Hate being this nasty to any actor, but he dragged this show down like a dead weight.

Was Dylan ever not laughable? What the hell took them so long to write him out?