Rocky Rocky

Oh no - no more Dylan Bruce PLEASE! In any shape or form! :-(

That's it! It was seriously bugging me where I saw her before.

Hey, they set The Code in Canberra! Which was probably Canberra's first outing on screen ever.

Right after she called him 'urban'. That's taking PC one step too far :-D

We've been saved! Wills will be on the money instead! Yay from Australia ;-)

I'm sorry - is there some secret war between Canadian and US producers? Why can't a Canadian show be obviously set in Canada??

Please tell me how Jon suddenly got so much hotter in this ep. And no it's not the badass attitude.

Lol, doesn't Felix hit on everyone?

I love Gracie - the actress has such a unique look and projects a no-nonsense vibe. I generally love the unusual faces this shows tends to cast - Ari Millen being the most obvious.

Paul only ever gets less tedious when unclothed. Other than that, he almost manages to sink every scene he's in - the other actors work overtime to save them.

Ah, good old Cold War memories…

Or perhaps he just feels very guilty

I was joking about the masses - perhaps it's a feeling the viewers themselves create from knowing they are watching something off the beaten path. It's like getting excited about a rare stamp simply because it's rare.

I find that cult shows have a sort of intimacy built into them - they kinda wink at you: "see, you get me, unlike those great unwashed masses"

Lol, try living in Australia - it's not even Mars, it's like Pluto with media consumption.

I must be a bit thick with this - what IS actually happening?

"Not surprisingly, this show's online strategy has been pretty on-point
from the get go and their fan engagement is high. They may not have GoT
or NCIS numbers but they know a small but rabid fanbase in the right
demos can be just as good as a wider but tepid fanbase across all demos."

Don't underestimate Alison's skill in hiding bodies and budding torture ambitions

It is and bless it (mostly cable) - the rest of us reap the benefits. I was thinking along the lines of Beauty and the Beast which gets renewed solely based on international consumption. Granted, that show is rubbish like no other.

The non-fucked up part of me just wants him to come back cause he's hot and i gave up on Better Call Saul