Rocky Rocky

I know you meant the actual production companies but it is pretty well known here in Australia as well. It seems like the type of show that survives on mostly non-American viewers.

I actually had that opinion myself for the first couple of eps of S1 before Tatian really grew into her roles - that her portrayals were a bit shallow. But then she grew into the characters and started killing it.

I remember being seriously impressed by the scorpion, thinking it was damn good CGI for such a small budget show. My God - that woman is fearless!

You mean there are any decent movie roles for women these days? Whoa…

Well, keep in mind that it was a network show so no asses… It was the enthusiasm that counted ;-)

I haven't seen such blatant display of male flesh on a show since Lost. It's glorious.

Did anyone else find Aden's 'Emmy scene' when his alter ego scene talks to him, absolutely haunting?

Plus this kind of pace lets characters and actors breathe. Would we get such extraordinary layered performances otherwise?

Ha, I remember Aden saying that the culture shock helped him look bewildered in S1.

Even the guest performers are outstanding. It's like they come in and just pick up the show's rhythm. Really liked the one playing Chris - low key and realistic and we need to see more Peanut!

We broke 400 comments, people! Victory dance Daniel-style!!

I also understand that Tawney's Stepford wife behaviour says more about Tawney than about the South, but still - she must've absorbed some brainwashing somewhere.

Like someone on a panel discussion brilliantly said: "It's slow in pace but not in content". The pace is not actually slow: it is life-like. People take natural pauses in conversations, they don't move about frenetically as if they're on an exercise challenge; dialogues mostly begin, proceed and end without cutting.

No, I'm not screwing around - I'm an international viewer and know squat about the South. Before this show, I could never imagine that there were places this backward in terms of feminism or women who buy into that philosophy anywhere in the developed world. I'm just trying to get my head around it.

And it's fascinating to watch for an international audience as well. Ray did say that overseas, people have a sort of fascination with the American South as a Wild West. I certainly do, and it's incredible to watch people act so real in an environment that is completely alien to me.

I must be a very Teddy-unsympathetic person, but I again failed to feel sorry for him in the emotional adultery scene. Growing up with a mother who hopped between marriages and relationships without a moment's thought and having seen my father twice in my life, parents actually considering their children's feelings in

Poor Jared! That was just mean… His entire presence on the show is encapsulated by the scene where his parents talk about him right in front of him: "I'm actually right here…"

Did women's lib never reach the South?

They just made Amantha look more a tad more realistic for once. On the other hand, I don't know what the hell they were doing with Aden's hair until the finale. Was it necessary to make it look that dirty and messy? If they were trying to ugly him up too, it seriously didn't work, but it was distracting to look at.

Yes, and he also threw a fit when she simply wanted him to explain the rim business plan before signing away their house! How dare she ask and how can her poor little brain process such manly information??