Rocky Rocky

I tried watching Deadwood and spent the entire 1st hour playing "spot a Rectify actor". I think I counted 4 or 5! :-)

Or she simply knew how sensitive he was and didn't wanna upset him

The angry part is what I find suspect. It just doesn't seem like a Daniel thing to do, even less likely as a teenager.

I almost burst out laughing at Janet's scene with Ted because I realized then that they were all playing musical houses

Tawny's an introvert - it's likely that she would've relished those hours of solitude away from the overbearing Teddy. Also, we don't know how much time she spent at church.

Yes, the show feels attuned to people with offbeat personalities just like Ray himself

That kiss did feel like an improv, but so did some of the donut scene

We had a slight inkling of the bad ass Jon with the girl at the skating rink, so this didn't come out of nowhere

The pure soulful truth with which Aden acts is extraordinary. It's almost magic. Adelaide did that in the dream sequence too.

It has ruined me. Even something as critically acclaimed as The Americans feels slightly cartoony to me in comparison.

Really??? It was just TV crescendo for me - I was weeping mentally, wondering how it could possibly get any more beautiful. It's a spiritual climax of Tawny and Daniel's relationship and the actors have knock out chemistry.

Yes, I concur with the Aden worship. I've been on an Aden kick for the past 10 months - dug through about 95% of his work catalogue.

Hey, even 10 mins of Rectify is worth its weight in gold.

I've seen him in a ton of productions and he's a true chameleon. He's barely recognizable everywhere.

And Jared!

Alright, I will admit that some of my rewatches are due to Young's very pretty face - I've been seriously starved for good-looking leads anywhere, movies and TV.

This big type of scrunchies was all the rage in the early 90s, so the style is a good pick.

Clayne is great enough to carry his own show and a prestige one at that.

Rectifilians all rejoice!!

He was born to play that role