I Believe You Call It...Hate

The audience can vote for dialogue choices with their cell phones!

I'd take Queen's "Flash" over most if not all Star Wars music.

Well don't forget the the Jedi are actually a bunch of weirdo assholes. That made the story better right?

Reminds me of Action Button, which I read for over a year without realizing that the big orange button in the header could be pressed to turn the background from black to white.

For me it was more like "what did you expect?" Abrams' limitations have been known for some time now. His ceiling is probably a perfectly fine movie, which this one was. It's better than what we'd be getting if Lucas were still in charge.

Which part gave you the panic attack, if you can recall?

Two decent battle scenes. The non-spectacle portions of the films are a push I'd say.

I switched over to it on cable and made it about ten minutes before my brain rebelled.

It's super light!

John Carter? Jupiter Ascending?

He's right to an extent, but the most important type of visual imagination for a film director is the ability to design a shot, which Lucas seemed to have completely lost by the time the prequels rolled around. They are some of the most shockingly inert movies I've ever seen, certainly for their budget.

Is there anything like the Room in the book? That's the part that's stuck with me most.

This would be a benefit for the woman-infantilizing segments of the population, would it not?

Unless you count indies, yeah, the last decade or so has been a bloodbath.

It could be a smaller game.

Or hell, Battalion Wars U.

They can't release Kingdom Hearts 3 because they're using it to keep Nomura busy.

The team doing the remaster could also be doing a new game.

They should adapt Fallout, and if they can't make a decent movie out of that, admit that it can't be done and give up for good.

Do directors not get put in director-jail anymore?