I Believe You Call It...Hate

More like, "He's obviously got no taste, give it to him!" He'll be on this beat forever.

Have you seen all other movies?

Not thrilled by the prospect of survival Legos?

or gonged

He gets murdered in season 1 of Hannibal, right? That was satisfying.

Ah. Back when he still really *really* wanted to be Kurt Cobain.

I'm actually shocked that this game is rated at all, much less overrated. That might be because I didn't get more than three screens into it, being a stupid kid at the time. Still, I'm having a hard time imagining a more out-of-nowhere remake than this one.

"(This Pynchon-esque subplot is left under-explored, unfortunately.)"

It will probably be longer.

So you'll only be wasting your time then.

It looked to me at that moment like Cap caught Zemo's meaning and was revolted by it. I thought that was a nice touch.

Is Blair Walsh still a Viking?

Hey now, the Mariners have at least occasionally been noteworthy failures. Like when they failed to win a single playoff series with three first-ballot Hall-of-Famers on their team! Or when they tied the all-time single season wins record and got bounced 4-1 in the ALCS! (That second one's been brought up more than

Pretty much every minute of Dark Knight that doesn't have Joker in it is intolerable. I've heard that Ledger improvised his lines, which doesn't surprise me because the rest of the characters sound like they're reading book reports at each other. But I don't despise it anymore.

Are you neurotic? Radiohead is up there with John Cale and Brian Eno on my list of music to feel nameless terror to.

Don't these movies make a point of foregrounding the tenuous and random connections between their characters? Genuinely asking because I'm not sure I've ever seen one. If I have that right then it seems like taking the chance elements that show up in any story and making an affectation out of them.

Good comparison. I think Crash was the last time I cringed this hard at a trailer.

Roeg would have been fantastic.

upvoted for Adam Curtis

Yeah, it's a postwar style. There's a pretty good episode of Shock of the New about it if that's your thing.