I Believe You Call It...Hate

How is that? I've only seen one of the covers, but it looked amazing. "WHEN DOOM DEFAULTS!"

Just imagine a little box in the corner of the screen saying [*In Thor: The Dark World - Jokin' Joss], or something similar.

See above

meh is boring, they're synonyms

I disagree. Absence is less notable than presence by definition, and since this event is a non-event — ie, fictional — I think it would take awhile for anyone to notice they weren't talking about it, if anyone ever did.

Nah, though it's easy enough to draw that conclusion. What's-his-name from the pilot was pretty clearly set up as suffering from mental side effects.

It's a cliche: the one thing a character says they won't do, they'll end up doing. There was no specificity in the show's treatment of this conflict, nothing to justify its resolution in this instance, other than the fact that that's how it has to go for the story to make any sense.

I imagine they would view her as too expensive for the role.

That's funny, I wasn't paying attention to the Captain America thing really, but Evans seemed like a really good fit to me. But then I was basing it on Sunshine and Push, I've never seen FF.

So the characters we spend all the time with are boring on purpose? I hope not; that sounds like a complete dramatic misfire.

I thought the same way you did about Richards my first time through the show, but when I rewatched it recently it looked more like his character was the victim of lazy writing than anything else.  I think he's capable of better.

I'd say that the show starts becoming reliably good as early as 1.10, and a lot of the stuff that is rewarding about later episodes is payoff from a slow buildup.  A lot of the recurring stuff pops up in a scene every other episode, stuff like that.  It's also hard to say what would look important to someone else.

@avclub-11cde240a0ac12ba67d8b24c0ac0d875:disqus Yes.  This is hardly the first time that too much money and too much risk aversion have led to a bland product.

people who walked away from the tv

TWO of them.  Christ….

I don't think Gregg can carry a show either, or rather Coulson can't.  He was written as a supporting character.  And Ming-Na so far is a walking, (barely) talking prop.  The show makes no sense with them as the leads, and they're the only two we know can act.  So the kids need to step up, but two of them are science

I don't mind not seeing the villain right away because they've established that the whole Marvel Universe is in flux, so no one in-universe really knows who the villains are.  There's precedent for doing it that way, too; Person of Interest is one that comes to mind.

You know, if it turns out that this show brings in a quasi-anarchist/pro-transparency group solely to turn around and make them the bad guys, I think I might go find Joss Whedon and piss on his shoes.