
You’ve lost another submarine? 

How Group C Died
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Group C was one of the greatest eras in racing history, producing the fastest cars to ever run the legendary 24

Came to post this... Jeez, you posted the winning comment ONE MINUTE after the article showed up? Give the rest of us a chance!

Shoulders have gotten so high that it’s comical at this point.

Isn’t America the American version of this?

So your saying everybody in Cali should wash their cars?

Surely it would just stick on the faceplate of the switch?

GPS. If my googling is correct, it was designed/invented during the Cold War. Now we rely on it to get places rather than reading a map in cars

According to their website they are open 8 hours a day 7 days a week. If they really never close then they are averaging 58 paid admissions per hour.

Want me to watch Nascar? Make it production based again. They can keep the tube framed chassis but the bodywork covering it has to be a very close facsimile of a rear drive sedan I can buy. And what's under the hood of the race car can to be no more than a hand built version of the production car's engine. In the days

1) Leave dent

Everyone knows this should be the Buick Electra.

Following his victory in court, the plaintiff walked proudly out of the courthouse. And thus the MacPherson strut was born.

I used to mow lawns, do gardening, and move heavy things around for rich old ladies on Sundays... it was a monotonous job that I looked forward to because I had Tom and his brother Ray yappin' away in my headphones.

You just described a Sebring convertible.

Oh thank god the porsche won. I'm a little tired of hearing about the GTR and all its greatness.

Where's the car porn photo shoot for this one? Popular Hot Rodding has go some. But I want this on Car Porn ....