
Kia\Hyundai can do it and GM can’t and Ford raised the price by thousands and dropped the feature? No thanks, we NEED am radio as in an emergency cells might be down and am radio has the ability to travel much longer distances. I vote with my wallet, no am, no sale. 

I commute 100 miles per day, so economy matters to me. I currently am averaging 35mpg on my commute with my old beater car. Kids are pushing me to upgrade, and I’d consider this if the fuel economy is around 25 or so highway.

First I’ve seen of pricing on the new Prius. Not bad for all the new power and much better styling. The upcharge is well worth the extra cost imho. This does likely put the cost of a fairly well equipped plug in model over the 40k range.

Wow, this is an amazing comeback for Prius. Who ever thought we’d actually get to say a Prius was nice looking AND powerful? Details matter, such as pricing, but this is awfully tempting to me.

Try to rely on it for a month or two and THEN we’ll talk. You hit the nail on the head in the article. Parts were a huge issue with these cars, and with their build quality parts were often needed. Let’s be honest, almost all of them were neglected badly from the start due to their low price. Anyone who could afford

Like it or not, it’s here. I can tell you that while the BMW 4 puts out really good performance numbers it “Feels” very different from the six, power pulses are not as smooth and the response is different.  From my perspective the BMW four feels “Cheap” while the six oozes luxury and refinement and feels “Expensive.”

Not even a “SUGGESTION” as to how much money is being talked about here. Doesn’t someone have a guess as to the numbers being talked about? Or is that a “Special secret?”

Airing dirty laundry in public soils the public image. Fact of the matter is that this is a corporate platform and Dodge needs product. It will also increase sales volume of the vehicle and give you a chance to keep your job- if you can learn to stop pissing IN the tent. pend your time and energy on increasing quality

And in this corner aliens may land on the White house lawn. (Hint, it’s not Hillary)

I know Jalopnik is getting really WOKE now, but I have to ask if you READ what you write before you post it. “It’s unclear if the chaos in the skies led to this particular crash.”  The incident happened on the ground, another plane was being backed out while another plane was taxing past. Wanna bet a few bucks that a

You make a very valid point. This site has been dying for some time. Trump said it best when he said everything “Woke” turns to feces. Same thing here.

Correct, most are navel gazing herd runners who wouldn’t understand real conversation or recognize having a true thought process.

Bet you say that to all the guys.

No thanks you probably smell like feces.

Pregnant people? I’ve been a nurse for 35 years, and I’ve NEVER seen a pregnant man. PLEASE show me a pregnant biological male human. I’m getting to the “Get off my lawn” phase but I SURE miss being able to come here and read about CARS and VE HICLES and didn’t have to deal with click bait for stuff that is not

This is probably a stupid question, but how do you adjust the climate controls since this unit eliminated the factory set up?

Who gives two turds? You find this woman beautiful, great! You find her not beautiful, well, you are entitled to your opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To me the most attractive women are often unconventional in some way. To each their own. Live and let live- and that includes Dr Peterson.

I totally applaud Tamura for his not being a slave to numbers. When you get right down to it a few tenths of a second are largely meaningless on the street anyway. What matters is the feel, the connectedness and the “Whole package” approach. I’m looking forward to trying one of these out. The look is just stunning and

Is there a convertible model in the works? There ought to be.....

Camaro, nice car, but visibility is a huge issue on the current model.