
Ok post menopausal cat woman. Thank you for your opinion. Please put down the chocolate and waddle to the bathroom now

Who the frack cares what Tom Armold “Thinks?”

Jalopnik needs to get a touch of balance to their reporting. The jobs saved are actually a thousand, with another thousand or so leaving for the almost completed plant in Mexico.

Very sad on multiple levels, that she should have been treated this way by Brando and the director- that either of them felt it was okay to “Trick” her in this manner, and that she was not believed these many years- only to be vindicated when the director told the truth.

Truly the lamestream media, that got the election all wrong is still in full ass hurt mode. Sorry Armin, time to come down off your not so high horse?

IF your roof is slate or tile yes it might. But if you use regular asphalt shingles the truth is-NOT YET. I sure hope this comes about in my lifetime as an affordable level.

I have an old 1960s recording of hot rods, racing cars and such that is very much like this. The early days of commercial stereo were RIPE time for experimenting with this type of binaural experiential audio.

35k for the v-8 is about right imho. 45k for a v-8 Camaro is just plain nuts.

Now playing

What you couldn’t see- Hillary and her flying monkees searching for Trump’s ruby red slippers-

Thanks for the great article and history lesson.

But it vibrates like an old paint shaker about to tip off the platform

Actually, no, they are NOT made in Ohio any more.

I have to agree. The car is Awesome, as in awesomely bad. I sure hope it looks better in person than this mish mash of current cliches.

Thanks for the reply

Shheeesh, you’re ALL wrong. This is merely the transmitter for Hillary’s diaper that sounds the alarm when it’s time to empty it out. Nothing wrong with a democrat reusing the same ol’ crap packer is there?

LOL, now when the lawn guy shows up pulling a trailer with two mowers, three weed wackers and a riding mower you can be SURE he had no trouble on the 1 block grade getting there.

The car of druglords and narcoperps. LOL

Yes, it’s pretty obvious. I wonder why? Hillary has nothing but contempt for the vehicles we drive, the fuel that powers them, or the people who work to produce and service both. But then logic is not strong with those who control the media is it?

Trump wins on logic, if you only shift your focus to the reality that fuel will not stay cheap long term, or that the economy will suffer a significant reset. Both are safe bets.