
Buick was only spared in the GM bankruptcy because of their sales volume in China. In the USA Pontiac handily beat out Buick for sales volume. How to fix Buick here in the USA? Simple, make it a brand that more people aspire to. Cascada is a great first step.

Well done! You actually love words, and conveying meaning with them. That in combination with your love of riding is a winning combination.

The Yamaha fiasco over a very similar issue with the SHO v-8 is and was well known. I guess VW’s engineers were busy with dieselgate when this screw up occurred.

Yes, and one of the greatest, certainly one of the top150

POST OF THE DAY! Don’t forget to put the candlebeck!

Testing is the way to ensure reliability and safety. That and not having the mindset that costs associated with delays due to safety factors is not a big deal.

It appears as though VW, and for those with LONG memories, GM, has not been enough to kill the demand for diesels. If you are already spending u upwards of 40k on a truck the extra cost of the diesel is not that much.

There is a pilot’s blog that talks about the good old days when fuel was cheap and time was expensive and the convair 880s and 990s were largely relegated to cargo service. Purportedly the limiting factor of these airliners was the rapid fuel burn, but the aircraft could and did exceed Mach 1.0 in a level flight. The

Here’s hoping the Elio makes it to production. America needs a lower cost fun vehicle. This undercuts most motorcycles, while getting better mileage than most bikes. There are MANY people today who need cheap reliable wheels- will the Elio be it for them? Could be, we shall see.

Thanks for posting that. Now we can know the important issue, where the power comes from.

How many idiots sit around and endlessly gun their engines to hear the sound over and over and over and over? More important what the engine sounds like under a load and pulling up the rev range imho.

At first glance it looks ok, in a predator sort of way.

That’s actually a spillway, and it’s NOT totally vertical. Pretty cool little ride for a “Hey ya’all watch this” type of thing.

Although the article does not mention it the findings of the board DID change several key practices that made flying safer for the flying public.

Not the first test where the Street’s brakes were suspect. MCN did a test several months ago and pronounced the Street’s brakes the worst they had tested on a modern bike.

Great investigative work Ralph. It amazes me how secrets come to see the light of day, and usually, as it was in this case, it involves a dedicated, driven researcher.

What an amazing video of an equally amazing project. Congratulations and well done. I so look forward to seeing the plane repaired and flown again. What a beautiful aircraft.

The UAW is now, thanks to the bailout a major stockholder in GM, so I can’t see them sitting still for that move, can you?

Do they realize it? Sure. But there are plenty of instances of corporations putting short term profits ahead of long term viability of their business.

This is great news. As one old enough to remember the “Space Race” and the enthusiasm, good will and excitement it generated I wholeheartedly salute this endeavor. We need something to work towards, and few things unite people like something that captures the imagination. As to the technological hurdles- let’s look at