
Both the 727 and DC8 are able to exceed Mach 1 in a dive I believe. I was speaking of designed max cruise speed. I have heard anecdotes from pilots who flew the 990 that when they were in service and fuel was cheap they would at times accelerate until the max airspeed light would blink and then throttle back a bit.

No "Bad" needed. There were only a handful of 880s and even fewer 990s built (37). Howard Hughes insisted they be fast, but they did gulp fuel. Not a well known aircraft at all.

Actually, no it’s not the fastest non supersonic commercial airliner ever. This was, the Convair 990. Here is the link, notice capable of mach .94 which is the equivalent of 715mph.…

I tried to find the post, but you have posts all over, kind of like a red headed kid with measels on this issue. Please call up the still living Lee Iacocca and ask him where he got the “Market research” on developing the Mustang from the bones of the old Falcon. You do know that GM design foisted the Aztek upon us as

The Avalon occupies the niche Buick has largely abandoned- the large, powerful, well built and roomy full sized, stretch outable cars. Buick needs a Buick that is not a truck. Just saying.

Thank you for shedding light on these processes. It really is amazing and intricate stuff.

“Secrete knowledge?” Is that a freudian slip or is your true nature showing? Build it and they will come, the large, in charge American automobile is due for a comeback and good sales.

Rats are not only a nuisance in a home, they are potentially a serious menace. Killing them is justifiable. I suppose you are an idiot who would rather have your toes chewed on while you sleep rather than hurt a poor rat.

This makes far too much sense not to at least be explored further.

No, incorrect that this Mark V was downsized. It was not. Real downsizing for Lincoln started with the Mark VI of 1980.

Awesome Mazda ad. Best I have seen in many months. Touches what we all love about mobility and the seasons of our lives.

Another good reason to get the convertible version!! Plus there will be more used ones for me to pick from later on!

LOL. Somebody sounds as though they have not driven a modern 4 cylinder in a LONG time though. I DO remember the iron duke 4, which originated in the 1960s believe it or not, half a pontiac v-8 actually. If memory serves they were in the “Rope drive” tempest.

Wes, any word yet on ballpark for pricing?

The Elio concept makes a great deal of sense. Transportation, with a warranty, at a price most basic motorcycles can't touch. I sure hope they make it. If they don't then Toyota ought to buy this company to sell the vehicle under the Scion brand- it makes a perfect fit for them in the affordable youth marketplace.

Geez, I hope Ford actually steps up to show and produce a world class American luxury car that does NOT ape the Germans or Japanese. Hopefully this will NOT be another Fusion Frack up, but a real American, rear wheel drive vehicle.

What happened ? As usual, a lot of things. Everyone wanted SUVs back when GM killed the B bodies. The GM body on frame died, even though they were still popular, so that GM could make, SUVs. Auto tastes had changed, and GM made a lot more money on SUVs.

Makes perfect sense to me that Elio used the Metro engine as a basis for their design. It's a sturdy little engine 3 cylinder that worked well and was durable. The Elio unit does feature chain drive for the cam and variable valve timing as well. Also, basic Metro triples used throttle body injection, where Elio

Judice approves-

Hey, anybody remember the fully developed small v-8 diesel engine GM put on hold a few years back? Sure you do, the Duramax 4.5 liter.… Would this not be a great engine for the CT6? Incidentally, this would be a great engine to counter the Nissan 5.0 and the Ram 3.0 diesels in the