
That would be radical indeed!

GM did this as well in the late 1970s with an Eldorado if memory serves. It worked and the main issue was throttle response which was reportedly quite slow.

Delorean was quite an engineer was he not? Did he not have a hand in a lot of advanced engineering at GM in the early 1960s. such as the flexible "Rope drive" pontiac and the transaxle they used? He was definitely not afraid to think outside the box, but I had no idea he was developing something on this level. What a

Good find, does this car exist today and if so, where might it be?

This is really fascinating stuff, I had no idea Yunick was possibly collaborating with DeLorean. I had read somewhere that Yunick was really close to marketing a retrofiting kit for his "Hot vapor" engine for a small GM pickup engine, the four cylinder in the then extent S-10, but it was withdrawn due to concerns

I have had many cars with that A6 compressor and have never had a compressor failure on any of them. Granted peak combustion pressure would likely be much higher than the compression of R-12. Still if one were to put opposed pistons on this it is not too difficult to imagine that there could easily be some sort of

Have to see one in person, but to my eyes this looks better than the regular Stingray. Of course I am an old guy.....

No, sorry, it isn't. They are two very distinct engines, and they are each quite different. I suppose one could say all v-8s from America are the same, but of course, they are not.
I have owned several of each and know their differences, but I really miss the little sweetheart that I bought new from Buick, my little

Thanks for the reply, I do like that sound.

This deserves the convertible just so one can sample all that auditory goodness unfiltered. MMMMM good!

Wow, sounds good to my ears, glorious V-8 soundtrack. Me like much

LOL, that's a helluba comedown

Wow, that thing sounds really angry and pulls pretty darn hard at that. Did you get a time for your run, or was it just for fun?

Nice posting, Love your Triumph!

Nice! Actually sounds pretty darn impressive for its size. Great posting!

I think we have a winner here!

How about revving the little Mitsu tri pot above idle level? Then one begins to hear the character of an engine, or better yet, record your soundtrack from inside the car while under load.

I love these old Saabs!!! Talk about an engine with character? The little engine sounds so much more formidable than the dowdy looking car it is attached to, but that is part of the charm is it not? Thanks for posting this.

Having not had long to absorb the new styling I cringed when I saw this headline. There is something very weird about this redo to my eyes, sort of a "Michael Jackson facelift." I very much appreciate what the engineers have wrought, but those slanted tail lights look darn odd to these old eyes. It is wise to give new

Interesting specs, and while we may decry the weight gain, the new 2015 is slated to be approx. 200lbs lighter, so bravo. The first gen is a classic beauty alright, but as the owner of one for many years I can tell you that it had the structural rigidity of a cardboard box. Still the best looking mustang IMHO, but not