
So why not? Seriously, there are no inexpensive new cars anymore. They are using preexisting subsystems, makes one hell of a lot of sense to me. Drove to Cinci to sit in one on the tour and I am in for one. Seriously, $6,800 is motorcycle money people, a chaep cycle at that. Yes, I am aware this is classified as a

Lincoln, do you really want to succeed or not? The secret is right in your face, and it is your heritage. Absolutely, one could take the tack that the right thing to do is research, pproduct research and then clinic a car to get the details just right. Unfortunately this me too thinking does not promote leadership,

Toyota has had mis steps, but I sense this is not one of them. Have to see the car in the flesh, but overall an improvement in what came before. And a manual still available, yes? Most of the people who buy these are seeking an appliance, and even if you love exciting, flame throwing cars you will grow to appreciate

This is science fiction I like, thinking ahead of the curve and see where it takes you. Real imagination Axial. Forgive me for getting your name incorrect please. If you ever get more written on your topic keep me posted please

Michael, very interesting idea. How does the catalytic reaction of h2o2 work out in the real world in terms of cost? Great out of the box thinking BTW!

"Elbows" serioiusly? I can't believe these are not illegal. They could very easily damage an adjacent car or hurt a pedestrian. Stupid just did a whole 'nother level. Ugly and dangerous must be a winning combo in somebody's playbook, just not mine.

Life is short, sometimes you have to laugh, and laugh well. My 2000 Chevy Metro had steelies that were getting rather dingy looking. A visit to the local Kmart for some wheel covers turned up a set of plastichrome spinner wheel covers that kept spinning when the car would stop. To top if off they were clearanced for 5

Hard to believe it is basically two ford v-6 blocks together, it is exotic engine sound of the highest order

What a wonderful car. Glad it exists, even if way out of my price range. At least I can enjoy watching it. lol. And the sound is glorious. You know, I wonder if Caddy wanted to they could take the new LT 1 engine, graft two more cylinders on it, use the 'Vette chassis and make a contender. Along the way they would

Pete, what are the approximate costs associated with flying these beauties?

This thing has Character. In a day when modern cars have almost all character erased by endless "refinement." Great to see an honest to goodness back to basics kind of car that has a basic, honest type of appeal

Fourth gear- Cheaper based on what data? From when? Fuel is $3.89 here is Dayton, Ohio, up .40 cents in two weeks.

NIck, I hear you. But where are the aspirational cars? The ones that young people point to and say Wow. The answer is sadly, mostly in the past.

Fuel economy is a consideration, but can be influenced to a great extent by your driving style. Diesel? Great, I owned one and really liked it. However, repairs can be very expensive, although with newer vehicles under warranty who cares? Something to think about when you buy that used Jetta with 105k miles though.

I love Oldsmobile, having owned quite a few and still owning one. Oldsmobile introduced the Hydramatic transmission, reintroduced FWD in America via the '66 Toronado and had solid engineering for many years. But when they went corporate they were cost cut to oblivion, there was no budget to innovate. Olds always had a

This is why if Lincoln gets serious about saving itself they must be back in order to progress forward. Cadillac has toyed with the idea, most recently with the Ciel concept, but the stage is Wide Open for a big , aspirational Lincoln oozing class and elegance. We will have to disagree on the exact year as this body

I have heard that after 9 ratios you reach a point of diminishing returns. That said the 10 speed WD trannie souds interesting and I wonder what the ratio spread between top and bottom gears will be.

Does it matter which is faster under certain circumstances? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Both are faster than most race cars, and seriously, who gives a crap about 1-2 mph when you are traveling over 250mph? They are both extremely narrowly focused cars and both are awesome. The venom is the

So reminds me of the old Boeing B-47 and early B-52s that would spew out black smoke on takeoff.

Actually had one of these and it was not a bad car at all. FWD can be made to handle fairly well actually, but the little turbo 4 was fairly sweet, especially considering the era.