RIP Kobe and his daughter Gianna, and the others who died.
RIP Kobe and his daughter Gianna, and the others who died.
Ok boomer. lol
What’s your point? This is a tech blog. This is an article about emerging technology. What the hell is your point?
Maybe he was just afraid it was going to explode?
He runs like a six year old who just saw a bee.
It’s not even that - this IS pretty accurate from a historical standpoint, especially within the Russian army.
Anyone crying over about “accurate depictions” should realize that this is a game that makes World War 1, a horrible horrible footnote in human history, into something FUN to experience. Like... no, accuracy is already out the window. Let representation happen instead.
This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the…
What are you on about? They have wizards. That come from the moon. That’s enough story for me. :)
Ughk, another adaptation that falls into the ‘costume not an outfit’ trap. I appreciate bearing for accuracy but at a certain point you end up creating ‘toys’ of the characters being depicted, not actual, breathing, living people in a story. If you had told me this was an cosplay indie-showcase, this would be…
I’m slightly terrified that someone pays such close attention to these things....
I do kind of wish we could meet an alien that doesn’t have to violate all kinds of laws of physics or biology to be dangerous.
Who’s going around hexing all these games huh? That’s what I want to know.
Remember The Three Stooges? Now there was some intelligent entertainment.
My husband and I used to hate-listen to him during long commutes. We had to quit cold turkey when we realized it was making us both irrationally angry for the rest of our evening.
IKEA exists. I believe.
Not the worst, but bad enough: I grew with four boys named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Mike and Ike