I stand with Woody. It’s he said she said with no evidence. Innocent until proven...
I stand with Woody. It’s he said she said with no evidence. Innocent until proven...
Times 15646576136565476876532516463532.03
Hyundai needs to give it a cool name. Like a dinosaur name. The Hyundai Velociraptor sounds good
Or this Guy Maddin
Many moons ago I went thru Winniethepig. Seriously, for a city with an NHL team, I’d be hard pressed to think of a more nothingburger place to visit. Yeah, I can see why people are butthurt, but how many of those “Win a peggers” have been to all the other NHL towns and can suggest a worse alternative?
This guy is like the Hillary of youtube. A flunky who doesn’t deserve a 2nd chance
This is obviously part of Starbucks’ globalist inter-racial agenda
“This unrestrained defecator’s modus operandi” ... modus pooperandi is the common parlance
I’ll stick with squeegeeing car windows at my intersection thanks
Sean, you need to start drinking Bulletproof Coffee. You aren’t thinking too straight
Kinja is an echo chamber where “like minded” individuals can all agree with each other
Don’t worry. Gawker Global Industries will soon buy Disqus and then all... oh wait
So this is AV Club now :-(
The Moose touched me camel toe. Call 911
I don’t even basket balls
This comes too late for me :(
Maybe it’s time for me to step up for an Echo!
Maybe it’s time for me to step up for an Echo!
This guy gives pit bull owners a bad name
I could buy 400 Mustang GTs. One in each color.
Ah so true. And as for “You see, Nirenstein’s puzzling tire remarks are what the lovely people who sell tires want: their message coming out of a pretty face who gets lots of attention.” ... swap “pretty” for “punchable” and this statement rings truer