
That egg cooker looks tempting!

That egg cooker looks tempting!

Put a ring on it?

s2000 driver is a triggered snowflake with a Trump-rash. That’s why

CNN needs to create a Russian angle. Libs go crazy for that shit

You may be shilling for Acura but you are DEFO shilling for the DNC

I agree bruh. Pro tennis IS hard, which is one of the reasons why I am not a pro tennis player

If you are diagnosed with Aids, go to another country and get tested. Good chance you won’t be. #AIDSscam

Stop it! These pics give Jalop staff a Trump rash!

Harrison Ford?

“I saw a little bit of me in Matt.” Is this true Matt? If so, gross, but celebrate differences, I guess.

I’ll see myself out

Whipped cream on a Burger will cause a heart attack.

Totally agree Qfwfq! Also tl;dr - Thanks Obamama

It was a well written and funny memo. Unless you work for the gawkerz

In Soviet Russia car fixes MECHANIC

The RENT is too damn HIGH!

HillBilly deserve prison time. I’d have Hill do dishes and Billy mow my lawn and I’d beat them both like rented mules #FantasyIsland

Anyone “part black” is more acurate. eg- Obuma is half white so he can say house n4gger all he wants. He can also say “half cracker ass.” That’s PC

If the diaper doesn’t fit you must acquit!