
Terrorists? Like the ones that flew airplanes into the WTC and Pentagon? Fairy tales

I hope to die while eating Mini Ravioli

Next up - 5 Things We Luv about the 260k Miles Lambo Murcielago

If clocker is free, the product is YOU

8 ball and 8 ball are so much fun

Even World Championship Poker is more of a sport than pool, I’s ask ‘amIright?” but I know that I am. Now Deadspin can return to the sport of trying to put a liberal globalist in office in 2020

Found On Road Dank

Lee is a Korean name. She’s blogging from Kangnam as evidenced by her style

The part of my brain that controls schadenfreude was activated each time the pot hole was struck. Trump 2020

The dish washers are Mexican for real

The older cars were soft and sexy. I used to call this gorgeous car the Boner-ville. Take me to Boner-ville!

Most people will hate you for saying anything halfway positive about The Donald™ or his family

Amazing how you make a story about a pregnant chick into an anti Trump snowflake melt

Hello 2014!

That’s what ‘she’ said

This is clearly fake news and Trump will ultimately be blamed

Maybe this was the tip of the iceberg. The straw that hurt the camel? Australia has WAYYY hotter women than her who would look better on camera. IMHO as always

You should NEVER label it a “Chinese” restaurant. It is an Asian Peoples Culture restaurant.

Gimmee a bee “B!” ... Gimmee a jay “J!”