
Pardon??? I don't see any issues with my command of the English language... It's cool that you have something to feel superior about... though...

I think that the guy who hit them SHOULD have gotten arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, and that the guys who thought it ok to take out their anger in the MOST UNACCEPTABLE way possible should have been arrested for assault. Were I in that situation, I would not have injured the motorist, no matter what. I

Well then tell that to the other 10 million commenters on this thread that commended the bikers. Only reason they ever had to do that was just to piss people off, right? I mean, we don't have the kind of Neanderthals on here that think beating people up is cool, right?

Man, zerog, you totally earned that heart-click by saying roughly what came to mind when I read the replies to your comment. I just wish more people could take a moment to look at the situation objectively...

Yes. If you follow through on physical violence as an option to an affront someone else caused you, I would say that places you pretty firmly as a lower life form.

I don't think they would be justified in that either. It's called self-control. Kid was totally at fault for the accident, and I wish the motorcyclists a fast and full recovery.

This is a satire of the street racing post, if you couldn't tell...

Still no way to really tell, but yeah. Morons like those bikers give the motorcycle community the stereotypes that I feel towards them. Where's the outcry for those bikers to go to jail for assault? It's clearly not enough that their friends were injured, so what will it take for these idiots to learn that pack riding

You just made my day. Thanks for being sane.

I would hope the police would detain you as well! And I hope that he would press charges for assault and that you'd have a felony! Maybe then you'd learn your lesson. Neanderthal.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I have to slam on my brakes for a guy on a bicycle. Fucker is getting beat the heck up and I'll write up a story and put it on Jalopnik and let everyone say how awesome I am...

LOL. The bikers deserved it. The kid should be commended.

Further proof that people who ride on two wheels have very small brains.

@killernoodle- No, I just don't want my brain to be jelly.

I hope I get the chance to door this idiot someday. Someday... I wish for a world where operating anything with less than 4 wheels on a roadway is illegal.

Yeah, not of the cars though. Huge car show in Boulder two weeks ago. 400 cars. 200 Subarus. SO FREAKING DUMB. WE DON'T CARE THAT YOUR SUBARU HAS %^053824958294852345 Horsepower. It looks and sounds EXACTLY like the 199 other ones here, not to mention that you look like the other 199 owners with your Affliction shirt,

I was going to say... And a 30 MPH speed limit

I live there. This could not be more true.

What, no comment on the ridiculous O-face of the guy in the video?

Best sounding car of all time