
You're asking Jalops if a restored classic Volvo is worth buying... What did you expect?

I actually think that looks really cool.

Gen 1 Accord? I mean, I'd never buy one, but from a nation whose car-building reputation was until that time staked on rust and failure, this had to be one hell of a surprise.

Ah, my mistake then. I always thought it was, "Get a COTD, get a star."

Eh, that's a good comment, but I think it's lame that people who are already featured commenters get more COTD's. They should exclusively be given to those that aren't, so that us nobody's can become featured commenters.

Only until the battery dies. Then it will catch fire, and Ferrari will blame owners for not plugging the car in like they were supposed to.

Only until the battery dies. Then the car will catch fire, and Ferrari will blame you for not plugging it in.

Can we be friends?

Hello again, my old biking friend!

Move to Fort Collins, CO then. Cars are about 900% more likely (that is, nine cars for each cyclist) to come to a complete stop at a sign.

Would you agree that assault on property is never warranted though? That is, unless the car has actually done something to someone (not just scared them), the person on the bike has no right to do anything to the car?

Siiiiggghhhhhhhh. Internet hyperbole fails again.

See that's the thing. I have a hard time respecting how vulnerable cyclists are (and therefore giving them the necessary leeway on roads) when literally 90% of all interactions I have with them are:

Yes, absolutely yes.

... at 2mph in traffic. Yeah right. The bike would have done more damage than the car!

And I would have gotten a little satisfaction seeing the Hyundai smash the cyclist off.

Good for the Hyundai. That would have been better had the cyclist rear-ended the car that he wasn't paying attention to.

Seeing this asshole has me resolved that I'm going to lay on my horn every time I see a bicyclist not stop at a stop sign in the future. Then, as I drive past, I'm going to roll down my window and tell him to stop so I can call the police on his ass. You ride on the road, you follow the laws of the road. That cyclist

It's because stanceworks/VWV is full of these:

It's true- someone just bought one for the local SCCA solo circuit. It's hilarious