Brewed in my hometown.
Brewed in my hometown.
Also, is why I'm an engineer
Which is why Contour is 10000000 x better
This is the first time in my Jalop commentariat career I've been promoted.
No, this car looks like shit.
Thank you. We don't need any of this futuristic concept-hybrid design crap.
Thanks- that was utterly unrecognizable from the rear.
What kind of car is #5?
Well, here's the question- is it MORE of Honda's fault for posting almost impossible to achieve numbers, the owner's fault for not actually doing what was req'd (short of servicing @HNA) and not bothering to care until she saw green, OR the EPA's fault for not requiring a realistic testing cycle.
You're kidding me, right? R-class cars are the most boring things on earth to drive.
Ok fine, as forza 4 goes, the first pack was the worst, I didn't buy anything from it, but this one ain't good.
negative space color me confused
Cough, I believe you mean almost the worst ever. Alfa and S1 notwithstanding. 787 is only cool for the noise
Ok, I'm starting my campaign now. Ferris Bueller Honda ad for best advertisement EVER. It's that great, you all just suck.
R5 T2. Those wheels, so weird. That engine, not where it's supposed to be. That handling, makes no sense. Reliability, what's that? Character, now that's where it shines. The same could be said about the Clio V6
Sorry, forgot that to qualify, you had to be a celebrity
This is just dumb. That Mustang commercial was horrible, and was horribly sacrilegious to the image of McQueen, while the FBDO-aping Honda commercial was really quite well directed, entertaining, and a good take on the original.
"I don't normally like to on Mondays reference Friday's results"