
How dare you insult mr. Fox like that?!?

Exige keg FTW

If you can ever make it out to Ft.C, go take brew tours. You'll be a New Belgium convert.

...Aaaaand is made in my hometown.

The triple (double) crown?

A patch of Chuck Norris' chest hair. That's why the car goes sideways right afterwards. It was controlling the beast.


I was arguing with the specific intent to ride in the middle of the lane for the SOLE purpose of slowing down traffic. That will get you in trouble; however, if that was not your intent then my comment was off-base.

Based on the comment above, if you wouldn't mate, we'd all appreciate it.

rickroll attempt FAIL.

Now playing

If you want a 24k mile Diablo, I've got some great deals on other products for you at this great company I know...


I'm glad internet hyperbole translates well. While my comments were (apparently not clearly) meant to be taken in that manner, yours clearly were not. I certainly appreciate your position, as I am someone who uses my bike on public roads on occasion. What I don't appreciate is your manner of communicating your

see above comment. Actually, since that was clearly too much work for you, I'll quote it again here:

Were you a cyclist in my area, I would take care to show you the same level of respect you choose to show motorists.

I agree- and my view is car-centric because that's what roads were made for, IMO.

Looks like the gen-1 Genesis coupe to me. Except with a bunch of vent-thingys slapped on.

You promoted my comment! Aww, thanks.

And you, sir, are exactly the type of cyclist that I appreciate. Thank you for using your privilege responsibly.

Because they're using the same space, that's why. I don't know about your neck of the woods, but in my town (in northern Colorado), bikers get a clearly marked part of the roadway on all non-highway major streets, while residential roads are largely unmarked.