I hate bikers. Most of the time I just want to hit them with my car.
I hate bikers. Most of the time I just want to hit them with my car.
Worst. List. Ever.
I think a lot of the Jalop commentariat would like to be in to that sort of thing... wink wink nudge nudge
Uhh, guys, you're 189 days early with this one.
Brain damage indeed. You're (were) a Sonics fan, I'd imagine this is cake compared to watching them...
Is GreenN_Gold a CSU student? Also, what I'd give to have my comments read by everyone, not just those that dig deep into the non preferred commenters section...
I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I believe the guys at Top Gear did.
Also, I am sad, because that was my attempt at a COTD.
They made fun of the Mexican supercar because according to them, Mexicans can't make supercars.
To answer this question, we must defer to the Universal experts at Top Gear. You see, some may disagree, but to defy them is to get made fun of. Like the Mexicans.
Well, if they Run... (Hip-hop joke)
Dibs on the splitter.
Everyone who's opinion matters.
Stop putting "-amino's" on NPOCP. Nobody likes them, they're universally ugly as sin, and, despite the bed, utterly useless.
Well, I mean, it's relative. (I'm gonna get crucified for this one) The smartest kid in special ed is still in special ed...
I don't know what's wrong with all of you- that generation of Taurus is the best looking one EVER. By FAR. On the outside, at least... Clearly the problem is with all of you, not with me.
You forgot:
You win. HOWEVER, I believe it is FAR more in the Jalop spirit to covet the hell out of thy neighbor's sweet-ass rides.
Whew, I thought it was just mine. #wholelotlessscared