
If it gets people to click and watch the 40 second video, maybe it leads to an arrest. I’m okay with that.

Contrast Sandgren’s statement with the victim statements coming out of the Nassar hearings. Women who were actually, legally victimized sound resilient and admirable; this dolt sounds petulant and triggered. So you had to face some “tough” questions, oh boo-hoo.

I’m so happy H. Chung kicked his ass.

New details that have emerged in the case of this weekend’s stunning physical attack upon Senator Rand Paul confirm:

Muffed punt always seemed like some kind of British slang to me...

Just the fact that there are no stories of him being flipped like a baseball bat in Japan proves that he does know that “Chinito” is offensive as is the gesture that he made with his eyes.

Or a dog house, where corporate interests can tug leashes and get their hounds to sit up and bark.

Jesus christ. That a handful of companies think it is fiscally sound to spend 100 thousand dollars each for a couple of guys to sit comfortably for a short while shows just how completely obvious this all is. There would be no incentive for such a ludicrous suggestion if there wasn’t a very tangible quid pro quo.

And the local Boy and Girl Scouts who probably do more for the community than those stuffed shirts with no cost to the taxpayers have to meet in the school cafeteria (for which they cover the costs of the janitor).

This is how it ends.

Good’ol Woody... He was a stand up guy who just wanted to put down some roots. Never went against the grain. He must have logged some serious time out there, never board. And no matter how mundane the task, he’d always stick with it. Not once did he attempt to branch out in to some other area. A monument to

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

I’m going to definitely start learning Wonderwall now. Thanks!

I wouldn’t mind putting a moratorium on people learning the guitar or getting into photography for a while.

Fucking idiot.

My wife asked me to stop signing Wonderwall.


You have been mis informed on the ash blocking the sun for a decade.

Yes, that is what is meant by "the destruction of our food supplies." Which — how often do you hear about that in reports about supervolcanoes? Pretty damn rarely. People worry about the fire, when they should really worry about the food riots.