
How to ruin your career before it even begins: Get a job at the Onion AV.

You could make episodes as good as season two's were, basically forever. If you don't feel like making something because you're out of ideas and were a lucky hack to begin with, hire new writers to do the work for you. I actually really enjoyed the start of this season, it was back to form in a lot of ways, but it

You white knights co-opt the issue of rape because it gives a bottomless well of cheap moral righteousness. 99.9% of you will never do a single fucking thing for rape victims, it's masturbatory and rape victims watching you can see you stroking. We're not uplifted by it, it's the same thoughtless, self-centric

"it isn't opposing freedom of speech to say this Rasmussen person deserves the exoriation she is receiving (obvs not the crazy or the threats)."

Well I mean, maybe the public doesn't know how it tends to sort out, but a highly successful standup comedian is probably going to be a lot smarter than a journalist. A journalism degree ain't the same thing as getting through med school here.

Social Justice League. Fuck, The Onion let the A.V. Club get out of hand.

Season 3 was just such garbage. It turned really dim, and so oddball. I don't think the show has much potential from here.

Perhaps they should have stuck closer to the book here. The Frank being arrested and having his sister and her children gassed inside a ministry building, it set a confused tone. Then they decide to let him go because they found a woman with the same handbag, it really didn't follow. This show should be a little more

Does the AV Club exist to give the real staff ideas?

I don't watch TV to worry about you complaining over how sluts are portrayed, get to the titty count!

Jon Snow is one of the two main characters in the books, I'll believe he's dead when he actually bothers to finally die in the book, and then he manages to stay dead through that entire book. Also fuck Cersei, that bitch murders people and you're sorry for her like something bad happened. That's fucking sick.

Mr. Plinkett's analysis of these films is as a complete a last word as ever need exist in this universe. I would recommend you go to Youtube now and watch them to enjoy the laughter and hate.

A skirt driving the Ecto-1?!?!?!

Isn't there already this thing called the internet where said films may or may not be available for ready acquisition? Unless you JUST gotta see it coming from a Blu-ray disc.

A lot of praise and some awards, and hardly anybody who lives in the real world watching.