
Sometimes, when shopping with my wife, she’ll pick up a shirt or whatever and say it looks great, then pick up another and declare it “hideous”, and I’m honestly just baffled. They all usually look fine to me, and I don’t ever see the big difference that makes one good and the other terrible.

The New York Roughriders

Didn’t these guys get forced out of Missouri because they were such assholes?

Talk about burying the lede: Joe Montana goes by “Joseph” on Twitter? lol

It was so obvious that Montana’s sons weren’t real football players.

Gase eventually agreed to bringing Gregg onto his staff, but as an assistant as opposed to a positions coach.

The poor players are the ones who remember.

Guaranteed in thirty attempts or less!

Hey Kevin. We realize you left a great team with an elite PG to play with an even better PG on an even better team. Now that you’ve gotten all that success out of your system, can we interest you in some Emmanuel Mudiay pick and rolls?

My dad’s always calling me a young offensive guy, too, but it doesn’t seem to help in my job search.

Football is an intricately complex game at the personnel level as well as the in game tactical level. I really believe that.

Your wife reads Deadspin? You’re right, that is cool.

The, “OK. Thanks.” killed me. It was awesome because he was spitting straight fire in the booth, and he knew it. 

Compare Romo’s observations to Troy Aikman’s and it’s just night and day.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

One more wonderful reason to hate Julian Edelman:

If he didn’t kill anyone, then why did he give that quote?

Sounds like he just had a Sr. moment.

There are more than four teams in the NFL.

Damn, a whole comment that’s dumb as hell!