
Think of how it disgusts the rest of us. Knowing that Rutgers is going to give Liberty a win against the big 10

Offending you? Better run to your safe space!

LOl what if she’s right, tho?

Why would the Pats not look at a similar deal to Butler as Gilmore got?

Not as funny as this having 69 stars

As a middle school baseball coach, games like this are absolute hell.

Hate to be a highlight truther comment Truther, but wasn’t that a double dribble?

Yeah, but he’ll never be 6-6 with no game 7's

Ah, damn. Was hoping “crib factor” was his way of trying to be cool and hip. Like taking it to da crib

Considering his trouble defending the dude in the Michael Jordan wizard jersey, he might’ve had trouble with MJ

And he’s Albanian American

Nah dude you do not wanna party with all of those packers owners. That should be dead last

Cool it,Vin. I generally like you.


The first sentence is so awful. I just love it

"I... cannot believe... What I just heard..."

What's cookin' good lookin'? was enough for me to get a girlfriend.