Like barbeque sauce is not LOADED with salt?!!! You are bizarre.
Like barbeque sauce is not LOADED with salt?!!! You are bizarre.
It works because you cut something out, cut out something else and it works too. People loose weight cutting out fat too, but everyone wants someone to tell them carbs are bad and fat is good, because fat tastes good! My kind of weird doctor said, forget low carb and forget low fat and think low food! Americans eat…
Please die soon, Rosie.
Um... you mean “heritage breed” you philistine. No wonder you ate cheap bologna sammies.
You are wrong, and I suggest you don’t look it up, Google is not your friend.
And what the fuck is it about no salt and pepper? You tell me I can’t have salt and pepper?!! Needless to say I will not be back in JJ’s and hope they go out of business. Arrogant MF too. Not to mention the salmonella laced sprouts, how is it no one has sued the bastard for going back once again for the disease du…
God’s chicken.
Chicken blessed by the Lord!!!!
This is why the people will rise up and cut their friggin’ heads off one day, the bastards. The revolution is coming, just hide and watch.
America is never going to be the same because of Trump. It’s headed for some kind of violent action and it’s going to be nasty. Can you say revolution armed insurrection? Take your pick. I can’t move either, old, too expensive and health problems so I’m stuck.
Get in line, I hate it worse.
You are using a cheap charger. Get a new smart charger that knows when to stop charging, this is 2017 after all.
You are a fucking cunt. Please die immediately.
You are a fucking cunt. Please die immediately.
It’s not about snobbery- it’s about getting what they say is in the bottle, which I’m pretty sure there is a law for, at least in the US. It’s called truth in labeling. So you but milk labeled as whole and you then find out it is really skim, they have cheated you and it is against the law. You should have clear…