1. Dua Lipa
1. Dua Lipa
Maybe he realizes that it isn’t a sport at all. Why invest so much effort when you know the FIA will just manipulate and ignore rules to get what they want.
More accurately, as soon as one team was ahead in the game, they had to play with fewer players.
He’s just doing what his Netflix/Liberty overlords want. They want the drama of a reality TV show, and they are not going to let the idea of fair sporting principles get in their way. The Real Housewives of Formula 1.
They’ve been abandoning fair sporting principles in favor of entertainment since at least the early ‘90s. We all have our moments when they went too far toward entertainment. But it certainly wasn’t yesterday.
WTF was that? A person that buys a mobile phone is a consumer. The person who owns the factory where the mobile phone is made is a capitalist. To be clear, I’m not talking about capitalism vs socialism. When I say capitalist, I am specifically referring to the individuals who own and control the means of production;…
There is a big difference between making something you think can make money, and a capitalist taking over the venture and trying to monetize it without fully understanding or even caring about why it was made in the first place. I exist within a society that is largely based on capitalism, but I am not a captialist, a…
“...it will pay for itself in a few months...” This is very misleading. If you have a car that gets a measley 10mpg, you’d have to ride the Honda about 6700 miles to “pay for itself”. If your car gets 30mpg, you have to put 25,000 miles on the Honda for it to pay for itself. This will vary based on gas prices, but I…
Yet another thing to try to keep fans from realizing that the races are generally boring.
I’ve been using an XTR UN91 BB continuously since the mid ‘90s on my mountain bike. It has now been in at least 4 different bikes. I have two more for spares, but I wonder if I’ll ever need them.
The ending up on top of Lewis is irrelevant. It is all of Max’s actions that led to that which is being discussed. That you have trouble understanding suggests maybe you should add yourself to the idiot list.
You’ve got to be really bad at your job if people are wishing Whiting was still at the helm.
Increase the dimples on the chainstays to increase your tyre clearance. If you’re on the verge of buying a new bike anyway what can it hurt. I’ve seen it done with pipe and a hammer or large pliers.
The Sly songs have very 2015 melodies. They’ve captured the pastiche of the backing music, but the melodies are just out of place for the era.
Things for the mother to say to her husband: “This doesn’t change my love for you.” “It’s OK if you want this to continue to be something you do on your own, but it’s also OK if you want to do it around me.” “I’m happy to talk about it whenever you are ready, but I don’t want you to feel pressure, so I won’t bring it…
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