
Picasso was a seriously inconsiderate lover and a serial womanizer.

So you want to be evil? Apply to work at Google.

Oh bad, bad Chuck Close. Because he said he would do portraits of two women only if they appeared nude / partially nude. Like Ten Million other art models. The women refused. So no portraits were done.

1. He was found innocent. Multiple times. Because Emma and her friends kept bringing bullshit charges.

IDK... Remember well visiting Charleston SC with my wife in 2016. We met up for dinner and then drinks with an old HS friend of my wife + spouse. My wife’s old friend then introduced us to friends of hers, visiting their boys at some high school military academy (The Citadel, I think). For over an hour, until we left,

The overwhelmingly majority of the men who were named on the list were not accused of sexual assault or rape. They were accused of being “creepy” at lunch and crap that like. (If I had $1 for every woman who has ever been creepy at lunch I could retire.) But they were on the list. So they must be really bad dudes. So

“is this song gay or is it about God?”

If you think most kids are familiar with most Dr. Seuss books, I suggest you check your privilege.

If you think Dr. Seuss is a “tired cliche” in the era of Trump, I suggest you re-read Yertle the Turtle and The Big Brag.

Today is a good day for the rule of law, equal rights under law, and civil rights.

Just remember every time you take a birth control pill that women on Puerto Rico were used like lab mice to test it for FDA approval.

It would make you a feminist, except within Harvard University administration circles.

They are completely separate, private organizations, which Harvard does not fund. They are located off-campus, on property owned by the club in question, and not by Harvard.

This is what people are reduced to, to make money to live, because you fancy-ass elite white women have to have all the goodies.

Yep, another Jezzie with no sympathy for any man. The only good man is a dead man (and sometimes not even then) here on Jezebel.

I’d like to know when it’s going to be illegal to discriminate against tall people.

This is all Fake News. Women in the US already make 98.4% of what men in comparable jobs make. According to actual, not twisted data. Read Claudia Goldin, an actual Professor of Economics at an actual university called... Harvard.

Many Members of Congress have set up communications methods to block persons from people who do not live in their district.

I think you all are missing the point.

Claudia Goldin of Harvard University, an actual economist, disagrees with you.