
i read this and all i can think about when i read the suggestion to leave it there is moldy, stinky carpet.

i see no problem here. i've been lobbying all my knitting friends to make me one of those yoda-eared winter hats for years. if anyone comes through, OF COURSE i'd wear it. this is far, far less geeky.

your manly friend has no clue. the crucial, often unnamed ingredient in any cold cocktail is the water, and that comes from the ice. sometimes ice opens up the flavor, not "subvert" it.

for apple? pretty damn great so far.

man i love this album. this and Thursday Afternoon are just pure bliss to me.

why is the world would "conforming to standards set my Microsoft Office" be a GOOD thing?? MS Office is HORRENDOUS.

Goodreader, anyone?

wait — actually, i thought there was actual proof that at one point twitter was censoring #OWS or #OccupyWallStreet tags for awhile there. no?

one could also argue that you kids SHOULD GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN.

thrifted old-school hard-side suitcases FTW.

so... much.... DANGER.... O_o

this is what i want, too: i post to twitter from a desktop client, and i want it to cross-post to G+. so far, i can't find a way to do that. i'm hoping that one will be mentioned here.

you are correct — i don't! but thank you for giving me a plausible reason why they aren't in the show. i'm still not happy about their omission, but at least i can understand now why they might have been excised.

AHA! trick question, since none of them are overrated! i'm on to you....

i love the dothraki as depicted in the show, but the one thing i really miss is the omission of the bells. in the books, they are VERY prominent in their culture, being symbolic of status. the khals and khaleesi wear bells in their braids, so they jingled when they rode. i can't imagine why they didn't put this in the

technically, he only cut off the lower part of his ear, not the whole thing.

i'm not talking about internet trolls and windows users who don't know any better — they are the ones who keep trotting out the archaic stereotype you mention, and they are the only ones who think it has any basis in reality because it makes them feel superior. i'm speaking as someone who has used their products since

you're right - that DOES settle it. who'd want to use the same phone the pope is using?

i'll second this. nowhere did apple (1) "promise" you anything, and (2) nowhere did they say they are hiring to "fix" siri. putting it another way, maybe — just MAYBE — apple knew the potential of the technology and had planned to expand work on it after the initial rollout....

definitely a good point - but since twitter was filtering #OWS and #OccupyWallStreet posts, maybe that's what affected that.