
same here — in fact, i call shenanigans that #SteveJobs didn't even PLACE on the lists anywhere. he was the top topic for weeks.

that stereotype went away with the 90s. i don't personally know a single apple user who makes that claim anymore.

to be fair, this is the only downside of using the old razors that i've found. the first time i completely forgot and just packed my blades. going through the line, when the TSA agent said loudly, "WHOA, don't see many of THOSE these days!" i suddenly knew i was the one they were talking about. fortunately, they were

practice, and (honestly) a bit of blood. but keep with it, you'll get the hang of it. go slooooow, respect the sharpness of the blade, and use short strokes. now i can't imagine shaving any other way.

seriously — don't they already come in convenient, single-serving bags?

as much as i like clooney, noah was made for the part. and, since he has experience, i think he should be a shoe-in.


YES. this and this only. DE safety razor is the way to go!

"RT" means "ReTweet", where someone re-shares a tweet that someone else wrote that the RTer finds worthwhile.

a half of a cup is quite a bit more than a "pinch," i'd say. maybe alter the headline to reflect the reality in the column?

well, of course he dismissed TVs. he dismissed tablets and phones before, too. that is classic steve in action, baby.

i really like one called Alfred, but i don't know anyone else who uses it (yet).

i guess the day is young, but what — did you run out of stories hating on G+ or something?

ok, '99 and '00, those were earlier, and yes, i agree they were definitely figuring things out still at that point. during that period, the population was doubling every year, and it almost killed the event because they had such a hard time keeping up with it. i am sure that some crazy, bad things happened then. since

despite what Carbecue says, they really DO work to leave no trace. they grid the location, and lines of people walk the route in a straight line and clean. they do also dredge the playa surface with magnets and rakes. the BLM has said time and time again that they set the curve for care and maintenance of the desert.

there are a jillion photos out there every year, but it's really really hard to capture it. you just have to GO.

even though the slant is skeptical and negative, this is the most even-handed piece about G+ i've seen on giz all week.

TL;DR: Another hatchet job piece during "anti google week" here at Giz.

the fact that you couldn't figure out how to play it is sad. it's made for a CHILD, and you can't figure it out? i weep for our future!

me too. i can at least say that i've met Woz, and talked (briefly) to him. he is exactly as you would expect from videos of him. i wish i could say i'd met Steve Jobs, but i never got so lucky.