
If only VW said, “*Clean Diesel - *Not intended to represent actual clean diesel, should only be considered as a fun thing to say"...... This is what 99% of companies do today and its bullshit. I can see right through it as an educated consumer but its surprising how stupid marketing has made us all.

Now now, on the left that’s how the big mac looks when produced with care by the book at McD’s corporate HQ. On the right is how it is slapped together at your local franchise by teenagers who don’t care.

He’s not surely. And don’t call him Joking. Take your Yoda-speak out of here!

As a student of marketing, Its hard to decipher the difference between marketing of “clean diesel” and the hundreds of other false advertising I see on a daily basis. FTC looking for an easy pay day IMO.

VW be like: They burn clean!