
This article made me look at Clickhole for the first and only time. I’d seen the quizzes and listicles before, didn’t realize there was other content or that the site was satirical.

It takes an amazing amount of hubris to think that your unknown bullshit is actually known and that anyone would know what the site’s

Aw. It’s nice for Clickhole to get one last hurrah before Univision sends it to a farm upstate.

People don’t tacitly sign a waiver agreeing to have their image, goings-on, and physical location splashed all over the internet just because they dared to leave the house.

The left wing can never make their mind up about things.

False equivalence.

Sometimes actors pretend to be things they’re not. It’s called acting.

These seem like fair sentences for people who likely acted without malice. I get why you, and especially the parents, would call for longer sentences. I just don’t think it’s obtuse to consider the fact that this may have not been caused by greed or willful neglect.

i understand the pain of the families, but 6 and 9 years (i assume they will be eligible for parole before that) is hardly a slap on the wrist. 

I very much get the feeling that the reviewer has no idea that “Tilda Johnson” is a supervillain named Nightshade in the comics, and thus people who knew that spent the whole season waiting for this shoe to drop and find out what could lead this seemingly good-hearted person down that road. Of course, this also points

THIS is who you choose as that poster child? lol okay

But considering all the work Bell does to keep his audiences entertained and informed, why would his kids be any different?”

For the life of me I can’t understand the appeal of the Game Grumps / the other endless legion of nerdy white guys with no comic timing commenting inanely on video games.

I cannot imagine watching the premise of this show once, much less repeatedly.

Her style of comedy seems just as hacky as the worst “shock comedians” out there, just in the opposite way... Pretty much every clip I’ve seen of her stand-up is basically just her smugly telling largely joke-free anecdotes about encountering people that aren’t as progressive as she is. It’s just preaching to the

Maybe I’m missing something but....won’t this move out that poor girl? If ICE is reading....


It has not been the law to separate children from their families. It is still not the law:

Did you mean Jay-Z?

She admitted to cheating in her post...

Saying “hey you met me before” and “my husband wrote on a show you used to do.” Yeah, that beatdown was severe. Nothing hurts more than being reminded you meet a lot of people and some of them fall through the memory cracks.