
That was Technical Boy.

This is disappointing. At some point we have to realize that “they go low, we go high” isn’t a realistic goal any longer. The people on the right are ripping children away from their parents on the border, and the people on the left are wringing their hands over whether a female can use a gendered insult that’s

The real problem with this is that there hasn’t been a good Melissa McCarthy movie.

Why would he bring up something that happened so long ago and everybody has pretty much moved on from?

Now. Its right now.

Is that fucking wedding over now? I don’t get how regular people in Britain resist the urge to go full-French Revolution on the Royals. 

Fuck due process! Progressive!

Omg there are victims? I had no idea. Did Amazon disclose their findings? Do they support the victims? Did Tambor give a statement from the jail he’s in because he was found guilty of any wrongdoing?

Of course, that was back before everyone turned on her for doing irredeemable things like making a movie about a woman who has low self-esteem even though she’s white and not obese, or declining to quit comedy as penance for a joke about Mexicans she made in 2009.

I wonder what was cut so Melissa McCarthey could mug at the camera for 15 minutes?

Well you must live in a monastery and don’t read the internet, since her complaints about how she’s perceived and all her messy personal issues have been a constant news staple in every outlet under the sun, for years. She never stops complaining.

I liked Inside Amy Schumer, but she is a joke thief. She is. The videos are out there. Coincidentally her standup is about 15% as good as it was 5-10 years ago, and it’s either because she really doesn’t want to go back to that after making movies, or she really can’t write a joke. Her Netflix special was unwatchable.

It’s kind of adorable that you think SNL was taking big risks in the 90's.

That bit was agonizingly bad and seemed to last for ten minutes. Perhaps she convincingly portrayed a sensitive teen girl in the YouTube age- where’s the comic premise? What’s funny about it? Do they think teens watch this shitty ancient show?

I like Amy Schumer fine, I thought she was brilliant five years ago, but for a long time now she seems to demand that we find her “gut-bustlingly hilarious” when she’s settled into being profitably mediocre as a comic. That was her choice , not ours, and I’m not signed on to her shitty attitude that we’re somehow the


Idk after he weirdly professed his love to Rihanna on stage in front of everyone he kinda seems like a weirdo

I bet he’ll get tossed by the salad company.

You know, it’s never too late (or too soon) for Kanye to shut the fuck up.

It seems that in all cases involving unproven accusations, the ethical thing to do would be to take all sides seriously, no? Take the accusations seriously, but if someone denies report on that too?