
Nope. That would be your hair stylist trying to distract from your prolapsed asshole of a face. ;) stay gold poneyboy.

Pepperidge farm remembers, muthafucka.

Liz hasn’t known what “pay well” means since she was getting royalty checks from 120 Minutes. I’d love to keep this up darling but we both know you’re a terrible bore and I’ve grown tired of playing with you. Good luck with whatever it is you are passing off as a functional existence. Kisses.

Fine but we all know you don’t have a job and I’m not paying for your ticket.

That’s going to confuse all 12 of the people who still watch that show!

Not unless the thousands of other ones Disney sold have been destroyed.

Possible, but doubtful. Your taste in music, like a dusty copy of Exile in Guyville sitting in the used bin, is trite and old.

Says the weirdo who flew off the handle with a “pecker” insult when I criticized a washed up pop star. Whatever gets you through the night, hun. We done here or do you need to show us all how unstable you are some more?

You need all the help you can get, sugar.

Holy run on sentences Batman!

I’m not trying to pass myself off as a writer. Sorry I’m picking on your hero.

“Sketchily written sketches” and then “sketchily written characters”

Thank god that’s been cleared up.

I don’t think any adult gives credence to the entertainment complaints of a Paramore fan.

I looked at your comment history. You’ve apparently got a lot of time to kill. Bless your heart.

Uh excuse me, it’s “marginally talented white people with famous parents” thank you very much. Get it right..

Since I’m transgender, it doesn’t. What’s your excuse for being an angry fucktard with a hard on for a washed up pop star?

Hey Liz, thanks for chiming in. Unfortunately the size of my “pecker” doesn’t negate that you are a no-hit wonder still cashing in every 5 years on the minor success you had. Even going so far as to make another album with the same name. Stay gold, dipshit.

How many more flops does she get after this inevitable one, before she’s relegated to guest directing on a CW show?

Rifftrax has that corner covered these days