
We are all equipped with something that the climbers don’t have: life. So we will keep offering opinions. They are welcome to do so as well if they can figure out how not to be dead at the bottom of a mountain.

Really? Bless your heart, did you just wake from a 5 year coma or are you just hopelessly naïve?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Of course she is. It’s all she’s got. Gotta keep milking those 15 minutes for all they’re worth.

This daily “We Know Wrinkle In Time Sucks But We Already Cashed Oprah’s Check So Let’s Suck Her Dick” segment brought to you by Clorox! The official skin bleach of Mindy Kaling since the end of the Office!

Compared to Jimmy Fallon...

“we can’t help but be in awe of her guides, The Mrs.”

Because everything is an article now. Also, nothing is an article.

Just think, if you had spent have this much time on your school work...

It’s true. He does sound like a sad drunk uncle the way he keeps going on about missing his Oscar moment. Pretty sad.

Does this mean we will stop hearing him whine about this?

Like most people, I don’t respect the opinion of a person with that hair cut.

You’re trying too hard.

My grandfather looked kind of like that, stayed stateside to design fighter planes and spent his spare time fucking your grandma. So what does it really matter?

Well we don’t all live our lives by how many Twitter bots we have. Good for you though, I’m sure that will work out great for you

you jerk off to dril and live on Twitter, great. Getting a life is always an option.

Spare me the edge lord bullshit, kid.

Sorry, this is not a thing. It will never be a thing. Let it go AV Club. Just let it go.

Or maybe they understand due process and were protecting him from knee-jerk reactionaries who believe everything they hear without evidence or proof.

Remember when the AV Club was a part of the Onion? Those were some good times. Now that the nostalgia is over, let’s all get back to reading the 15,000 review of the Good Place and drooling over $10 off a Bluetooth speaker.